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Fees and charges
Tuition fee for the year 2024-2025
Monthly tuition fee for N1 class - HKD 3,492
Meal charge of HKD 470
Monthly tuition fee for K1-K3 classes - HKD 1,114
meal charge of HKD 294
Tuition fee for the year 2023-2024
Monthly tuition fee for N1 class - HKD 3,492
Meal charge of HKD 450
Monthly tuition fee for K1-K3 classes - HKD 1,034
Meal charge of HKD 279
We provide child care service for parents and families.
Application for admission
Occasional child care
You can go to the kindergarten to apply or download the application form
Other information
Address: Shop 37, 1/F, Regentvillie Shopping Centre, 8 Wo Moon Street, Luen Wo Hui, Fanling, New Territories
Tel: 2676 2298
Fax: 2676 7798
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